Safety Policy

1. Put on a mask before entering the facility- NO MASK NO SERVICE. You are required to have a mask on until you get to your court or workout equipment. Masks can be taken off to play or work out but must be put back on before leaving court and going through main lobby.

2. Get your temperature checked by front desk. Must be below 99.4. If not, you will not be allowed to play that day.

3. Get a spray bottle from the front desk and take it to the court you are on. Spray court caddie and chairs on the court when you are finished with play.

4. Spray all pieces of gym equipment after use and wipe down.

5. Return the spray bottle to the front desk after use so it can be sanitized again before going out.

6. Please do not arrive more than 10 min’s before or stay beyond 10 min’s after use of the facility.

7. Do not sit in the front lobby of the club for any reason. We are looking to reduce traffic by not allowing anyone to be at the tables or on the couches.

8. You are permitted to sit at tables in the gym, but you must wear a mask. Please use a spray bottle and wipe down areas that you touch on tables and chairs after use.

9. Guest are permitted but it is members job to educate them on rules for safety.

10. No more than 3 people in the bathrooms at any time.

11. Maintain social distance from one another of 6 feet or more.

12. Wash your hands after play.